The Roots of "The Circle of Influence", a deeper understanding

The Circle of Influence was inspired by the teaching of the late Austrian professor of neurology and psychiatry Dr. Viktor E. Frankl. It comes down the fact that we as human beings always have a choice of how we respond at any given moment in life. Dr Frankl’s was held prisoner in the concentration camp during WWII he conducted a psychoanalysis on what made some prisoners succumb and others overcome the daily challenges of the prison camps. He concluded is was choice the prisoners were confronted daily with moral choices as those in power were threatening to rob them from their freedom and dignity. The chosen response to the capos and guards was that of the prisoner, are not to be taken but can only be given by the owner of it.

Dr Stephen Covey writer of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People looks at the circle of influence and circle of concern. The things we care about and the things we can influence. Dr. Covey’s teaches us about being Proactive and that means to not blame things outside of your circle of influence for the results in your life, go be proactive and focus on what you can influence.

The results in our life and our emotional state are ours to direct.


How to Influence outside of your Circle


What is the Circle of Influence?