We Are in the Naughty Corner

Mother Nature is Sunbathing and Rejuvenating

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2020 is the year of Mother Nature, the kids(humans) are inside whilst she rests and recovers. No screaming children playing with cars, trains, planes and other polluting toys. No kids to clean up after the beaches are not being used as dump grounds for our candy wrappers or soft drink bottles we drink from with our plastic straws. The air doesn’t need to be cleaned up after the airplanes and car emissions.

The soil is recovering for cleaner and better tasting food, the animals get first pick this time as the outdoor world is their home. We are in the naughty corner for having abused our freedom, so we get to watch as the birds, foxes, pheasants and all their friends are playing outside.

This time is for us to rediscover our appreciation for Mother Nature and not to take her for granted.

Thank you Mother nature we love you and from now on we will play nice.




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