Treat yourself like a talented child
Trust, it is hard to re-gain and easy to lose. It is a hard thing to restore when someone has betrayed you. First you send them to the dog house and then you make them sweat as they have to prove themselves worthy. But what if it was an honest mistake, a moment of weakness, unresourcefulness? Are you not being a bit too harsh... with yourself??
Often we treat ourselves very harsh in the way we speak to ourselves and the way we punish ourselves. It is very damaging to be unforgiving and judgemental towards oneself. The unforgiving brings fear of making the same or another mistake, so we limit the things we dare to take on. The judgment makes you feel small and not good enough. You go through life feeling smaller than you are and not trusting your own abilities.
Be forgiving, compassionate with empathy so you can give yourself a second and a third chance at anything in life. YOU are awesome and full of hidden potential which you've squashed under judgment and punishment.
Treat yourself the way you would treat a talented child.
Regain you and "Own Your Confidence"